

MyPOINMALL is an e-Mall (Online Store) DROPSHIPPING (Dropship System)

Dropshipping adalah metode pengiriman produk di mana penjual (Associate GLOBALNET) menerima pembayaran untuk pesanan, tetapi pelanggan menerima produk langsung dari MyPOINMALL. Di dalam pengaturan Dropshipping, associate bertindak sebagai perantara antara MyPOINMALL dan pelanggan. Keuntungan yang diperoleh associate dalam transaksi ini adalah perbedaan antara harga distributor MyPOINMALL dan harga eceran dari item yang dijual (associate bisa menaikkan harga 5%,10% dst).Sistem dropship yang praktis ini melatarbelakangi hadirnya MYPOINMALL, sebuah marketplace yang memfasilitasi penjualan produk dengan sistem dropship & SHARE KeuntunganKeuntungan menjadi Associate Dropshipping MyPOINMALL :1. Mendapatkan harga grosir/ distributor2. Dapat keuntungan dari selisih harga yang ada di MyPOINMALL dengan harga yang ada Reseller3. Tidak Perlu Stok Barang4. Mendapatkan Update Stok dan Produk Terbaru secara Berkala5. Profite Share berupa Voucher Poin di setiap produk6. Barang dikirim dari kami sehingga anda tidak perlu untuk cape cape packingDropshipping is a product delivery method where the seller (GLOBALNET Associate) receives payment for an order, but the customer receives the product directly from MyPOINMALL. In the Dropshipping arrangement, the associate acts as an intermediary between MyPOINMALL and the customer. The advantage the associate gets in this transaction is the difference between the distributor price of MyPOINMALL and the retail price of the item being sold (an associate can increase the price by 5%, 10% etc.).This practical dropship system is the background for the presence of MYPOINMALL, a marketplace that facilitates product sales with a dropshipping system & SHARE Profits.Benefits of being a MyPOINMALL Dropshipping Associate:1. Get wholesale / distributor prices2. Get profit from the price difference between MyPOINMALL and the price available by the Reseller3. No Need to Stock Goods4. Get the Latest Stock and Product Updates Periodically5. Profite Share in the form of Voucher Points for each product6. The goods are sent from us so you dont need for cape cape packingRilis Aplikasi MyPOINMART Khusus Untuk Associate GLOBALNET